Old Coding Challenges

I was browsing through my projects archives and found a couple of old coding challenges I created during the hiring process of past jobs I applied for. I thought it might be fun to share them. Enjoy:)


In 2012 I applied for a JavaScript Engineer role at SoundCloud. I got offered a job after successfully completing the coding challenge and the on-site interviews in Berlin. I worked for them for 5 years.

Create a web app that allows users to create playlists of ANY tracks on SoundCloud.

Source code: https://github.com/salomvary/sc-playlist

Live: https://salomvary.com/sc-playlist/


A Facebook recruiter reached out to me in 2014 about a front-end engineer role. I could not resist and entered the interview process, however, after a successful coding challenge submission I failed the on-site interviews in Menlo Park.

Given a set of events, each with a start time and end time, render the events on a single day calendar.

Source code: https://github.com/salomvary/fb-challenge

Live: https://salomvary.com/fb-challenge/

Axel Springer

This one was for a freelance project in 2019. I successfully passed the interview process but ended up not working for them for other reasons.

[…] App […] which gathers data from two endpoints asynchronously, merges the responses and displays them in any way in the browser.

Source Code: https://github.com/salomvary/as-challenge/

Live: https://salomvary.com/as-challenge/

Bonus Track: Prezi

I applied to a developer position at Prezi.com in 2012. They did not ask for a code challenge but I was invited for a non-binding probation week and starting with a self-introduction using the company’s own presentation product. They offered a job but ended up not working for them because I decided to join SoundCloud instead.

Online presentation on Prezi.com